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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  April 24, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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failing our youth. >> super tuesday protest vote. conservatives still unwilling to group hug mitt romney could send a message tonight as the primary train continues. has mitt romney jumped the track, headed to the middle of the road? social insecurity. a new report moves up the date on when social security could run dry. plus -- >> i am a hip hop fan from the special liz' 90s hip hop. >> you have a little jay-z and the rest. >> why some of the most powerful names in politics feel the need to claim a love of hip hop. toure joins me live to look at the play lists. >> hi, everyone. the "news nation" is following developing news. the youth day slug fest. president obama is on the attack saying republicans have the wrong priorities for this country.
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speaking in front of a pretty rowdy crowd of college students at the university of north carolina, chapel hill, a short time ago. the president demanded congress stop the interest rates for student loans from doubling this july. the president challenged the students to tell congress that it is not a partisan issue. it is an american issue. and they need to stop cutting things like education. >> they just voted to keep giving billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to big oil companies that are in record profits. they just voted to let millionaires and billionaires keep paying lower tax rates than million class workers and their secretaries. >> mitt romney trying to seize the opportunity, launching what some are calling a preemptive strike. take a listen to what he said. he actually walked away from the mike and walked back with a one more thing moment. >> with a number of college
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graduates that can't find work or that can only find work well beneath their skill level. i fully support the effort to extend the low interest rate on student loans. >> that's one thing they're agreeing on. today the romney camp held a conference call blasting the president saying, or claiming that he has failed young voters. kristen welker joins me live from the university of colorado in boulder. you're traveling with the president on this three-state tour. it is interesting on this conference call, romney supporters said he may be able to have more track than other gop nominees in the past because he is young and they feel, or younger, and has the ability to connect with these young voters that are important. >> well, tamron, that's right. the romney team sees a bit of an opening. president obama leading mitt romney among young voters, according to our "wall street journal" poll. if you look at the number from
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2008, 63% of young voters in 2008 at this point in time said they were excited about the election. they were fired up. compare that to 45% who are saying that right now. so mitt romney sees an opening. he is taking it. as you know, president obama on this two-day, three-state tour is focusing on college loans and the rates that college students have to pay and student debt. mitt romney seizing on that issue. in particular, according to the associated press, half of recent college graduates are unemployed or jobless. so mitt romney using figures like that to try to fire back at the president. listen to what he had to say on a conference call to some of his supporters. >> president obama gets an f for failing our youth. as i think many of you know, four years ago, the president was able to fool a number of our college students into supporting his campaign. >> so again, the romney campaign trying to win some of those young voters.
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as you know, young voters were key to president obama's victory back in 2008. and the obama campaign is hoping that they will turn out in force. again in part to offset some projected losses that they might see among independents, for example. so the obama campaign going after young voters very forcefully as well. this is a two-day, three-state trip. he is hitting three big battleground states. north carolina, here in colorado and then tomorrow, he heads to eye waffle he won all these states in 2008 and he is hoping to hold on to them again in 2012. >> back to what the obama aides are saying regarding romney's support of this student loan interest issue where it would double by july. what i'm reading is that the obama aides are saying, listen. mitt romney supports congressman paul ryan's budget proposal and that would affect in a dire way, student loan interest rates. >> reporter: absolutely. they're basically calling this a bit of a flip-flop.
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you heard president obama today taking what some might look at as some veiled slights at mitt romney saying, i didn't just look at this and come one this viewpoint. this is something i've held for a long period of time. so president obama kind of making the point that mitt romney made that statement that we brought up in the beginning of this hit, purely to preempt this trip. and his message. so you're absolutely right about this. and this is something they are going to be sort of fighting over on the trail as we get closer to election day. >> thank you. and president obama is not the only lawmaker going after the youth vote lately. >> a little jay-z and wiz khalifa and the rest. >> i've discovered i'm a fan of mickey menage. she is not just a rapper. she also sings. >> we'll talk about toure about the politics and hip hop strategy and who does it really
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benefit? meanwhile, presidential primaries are underway in five states. and we may learn how bad the bad blood is. romney is expected to sweep all the states today. as nbc's first read points out, it's the first primary day where romney does not face any real competition. so when we watch the returns we'll get a good idea of the true anti-romney vote tonight. does he get at least 50% in all of these contests? how about 60 or 70? joining me, msnbc contributor michael smerconish, and steve deace. he has been very vocal. i think you said god or someone would have to tell you to vote for mitt romney before. so steve, i'll start with you with your strong words. we're watching to see if there is this anti-romney protest vote. what are you expecting? >> i suspect you will see it but it will be more subtle than looking at percentages.
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i think you have to look at the turnout model. in virginia, the one state where romney didn't have any competition because of ballot issues, except for ron paul, almost 10% of ron paul's total popular vote in this primary came from one state. virginia. when he got to go one-on-one with romney. in fact, romney finished with 40,000 fewer votes than mike huckabee got when he fnld second. i think what you want to look at is the turnout model and then also at the convention level. in iowa, in minnesota over the weekend. ron paul's people made a very strong show of force. he looks to me like he is poised to actually win those states which were nonbinding caucuses. how many of those states can ron paul and his people flip like iowa and minnesota. >> one of the primaries, your home state of pennsylvania. do you anticipate or even hear from people regarding a protest vote? or is this some story line that is floating out there and doesn't mean anything. >> it's a pretty quiet day in
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pennsylvania. without senator santorum competing at the top of the ticket, we have a u.s. senate nomination battle going on to she can a candidate who will square off against bob casey. but frankly, it has been a very quiet race. who comes out in primary elections? those who are most passionate for the democrats, they tend to be liberal. for the republicans, they tend to be very conservative. so i do think that you will see something that you could regard as a protest vote. just keep in mine the nature of the primary voter. they're usually conservative folks. >> we know that today, pennsylvania is the only battleground state. only swing state where we'll be looking at to glean some kind of information. at least if nothing else, on enthusiasm. or lack there of. >> i think that's true and i think senator santorum, although i never believed he would win this primary. he still has a hard core of support. and some of the more conservative areas of the state. so i'm sure there will be a double digit showing for senator santorum. do i expect mitt romney to
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garner 70% of the vote in the commonwealth tonight? i don't. >> and we're still waiting for mr. santorum to colonel out and endorse mitt romney which he is yet to do which is also very interesting. let me change -- speaking of change. to what many are calling the pivot of mitt romney. he said yesterday that he would consider a proposal from senator rubio on a republican dream act. he also, with the student loan issue, seem to be pivoting away from paul ryan's budget proposal which would have affected, or would affect the student loan interest rates. are we seeing the train continue with the primary? but mitt romney jumping the tracks and shimmying over to the middle. >> what you're seeing, tamron, what america is seeing, this is who mitt romney has been his entire political career. >> which is you don't like him as the nominee. >> yeah. every position. even within a news cycle. everything is negotiable. imagine all the lame of bob dole
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but with the integrity of john kerry. that's who essentially we just nominated for president. it will be like this all the time. but what frustrates me even more about romney, he is not even using his own strategy properly. he gets too involved in specifics. if you're going to run on standing for nothing, at least just ask the american people all the time a simple question. are you better off than you were four years ago. if you are, vote for that guy. if you're not, vote for me. if i were romney, i would just keep asking that question into the ground for the next six months. that's all i would. do. >> do you buy that as a strategy? chuck todd pointed out on his show earlier, we saw this slight pivot, if you will, but then later in the day yesterday, mitt romney spoke to conservatives and he went on about repealing health care and bringing back -- >> voter i.d. >> about america. and at the time 54 i.d. laws out there that are largely supported by republicans, including in the state of pennsylvania where you are. >> see, this is the dance that he has to now try to maneuver. conservatives such as steve are
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anxious to hold his feet to the fire and make him be the candidate, the severely conservative candidate that he said he was during the primary season. my suspicion is that is one of the rasons why senator santorum, even though pennsylvania primary day has yet to embrace mitt romney. sooner or later you would speck that he would. i think to the extent he pivots, he is going to be held accountable by conservatives. perhaps they disagree with me in this regard. i think he has to make the appeal to independent voters. if he continues to be severely conservative, i don't think he can win a general election. >> in what way what can they do at this point other than having small protest vote. >> well, every time it's at odds with that which he said in those double digit number of debates that we had. >> they have to go with this
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guy. >> they'll go with him ultimately but i think they'll go kicking and screaming. and the news i can't. will never get to where it needs to be to drive a general election vote. >> we're talking about people and your supporters as if you're not here so i'll ask you. you'll go kicking and screaming or will you just go? >> i don't think people will just go. i think his support, he is less popular than mccain four years ago. he think he is viewed as less honorable. we have a the love issues with john mccain. and i think one thing we've learned throughout history going back to the 1970s. no republican has won a general electric without enthusiasm among the republican base. and i believe on the court we're on right now, you will see that history repeat itself come november. >> thank you for joining me. greatly appreciate it. the "news nation" is also following developments in the showdown over arizona's controversial immigration law. during a hearing today, the
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democrats grilled the writer of that law and asked them to pick a side. the high court hears arguments on the law tomorrow, among other things in it, it allows police to check the immigration status of anyone who they stopped and believed to be in this country illegally. >> as i understand it, it was explosive back and forth between chuck schumer and the person who really developed or is credited with putting this law in arizona together. >> reporter: before we get to that part, it should be noted there was an unexpected develople today. the gop members refused to show up boirk could thing the hearing believing it was as john corn said election year theater. he went on to say, this is be an attempt at having a sincere hearing on the merits. they seem to have embraced
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president obama's manana reform. the only democrats to show up were dick durbin and chuck schumer. the focus was on this arizona 1070 law which has been very much in the news. going on the idea that you talked about it. the police officers if they suspected someone being in the country illegally or the state illegally could have an immigration check. listen to chuck schumer talk about that with the author of that law. >> do you think dress is an inappropriate measure? when you have a reason to stop somebody because of their dress? i would ask you, if it's not inappropriate, what does an illegal immigrant dress like? >> mr. chairman, almost all, when you train a police officer, i've been in this business a long time in law enforcement public safety. it is a compilation of issues that ten to raise the level of suspicion to the level of probable cause. >> reporter: so there you sort of see is back and forth. why have this hearing the day
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before the supreme court is going to hear this case? chuck schumer democrats announced if the supreme court upholds arizona's controversial immigration policy, that they will in fact put a law, the 49 states, put a bill to the floor in which there will be a vote on whether or not, where the federal government could say any type of changes to imgran bills like this and from the states need to be approved by the feds. that is an idea for democrats to try to get republicans on the record voting for the arizona bill. they think it would be a very good thing for them come november. if they could get republicans in the senate to say we support arizona and possibly tie that to mitt romney them believe it could be very good for them in the presidential election. >> all right. thank you very much. up next, a starting new report reveals social security is running out even faster than previously thought. the daily beast will join me live to discuss the reasons why. plus the estranged wife of
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deion sanders arrested, accused of attacking him in front of their children. details on this bizarre story. plus, what deion sanders tweeted right after the alleged attack. today we are debuting a brand new tumbler page. you can check out all of our thin scenes pictures. newsnation.tumbler dogt. [ fabric flapping in wind ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at nissan, our ideal is innovation. 5 all-new models over the next 15 months, including a completely reimagined altima. welcome to our most innovative year ever. nissan. innovation for all. ♪
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on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. we're going to show you some live pictures. this is san francisco, california. police are guarding the entrance to the annual meeting of wells fargo shareholders. look at this massive number of people being held back by dozens
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of officers. they were stationed around the financial district building where proteers associated with the occupy wall street movement plan to crash the meeting that got underway today. bank stockholders were being asked to show certification of proof of ownership before being allowed past the gates. apparently they had to show their i.d.s to get into the building. we had heard they were speakinging a large number of people to show up at this annual meeting of wells fargo shareholders. here is the proof that for many, the occupy movement is still alive and well. you see these people here stationed right out front of this annual meeting of wells fargo. this comes on the heels of city group shareholders, refusing to give a multimillion-dollar package to its ceo. the shareholders voting against it nonetheless. it was a nonbinding vote. but proof that even some of these shareholders are concerned about the climate or the temperature that is happening
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within the banking world. the banking industry. here you have, these are protesters, not shareholders, the entrance to an annual meeting of wells fargo shareholders in san francisco. dozens of police officers are stationed around this building where the protesters associated, we're told, with the occupy wall street movement. try to crash into that building where the meeting is underway today. we'll keep an eye on the events playing out there in san francisco and bring you any developments. and there are new concerns about social security programs after an annual government report shows they will run out of money sooner than expected. the report shows social security trust funds which provide assistance to 56 million people will run out in 2033. that's three years earlier than projected just last year. meanwhile, the report shows medicare, which provides health insurance to 50 million americans, is expected to go broke in 2024. that's unchanged from last year. joining me now, "newsweek"
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columnist, this isn't a huge surprise but it is a reminder as we look at what's happening in europe and greece and people having to take severe measures for their countries to survive. >> unfortunately, it is 21 years from now. >> that can go really fast. >> it can. like that. if you're over 40, it is not an issue and most of us can plan adequately. for the next two years, let alone the next two decades. so whether or not this creates any level of urgency in washington to do something is a pretty open question and i would be pretty skeptical that it does. the medicare issue is much more pressing but it is not getting the press. >> the reality, even though there is no urgency for people over 40, we do know that the conversation of our nation's debt. one of the priorities, where the cuts should exist and of course, something needs to be done. we hear the lawmakers say we're trying to protect our children's future. so this is the future. >> the problem of our electoral system is that our children
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aren't voting. it is a two-year electoral cycle. the urgency of any politician to do something that they are no longer going to be in office for which will be more painful in the present is completely nonexist ten. the european example is they waited until not the ninth inning. >> the house was on fire and they decided to put out the fire. >> and there is no indication that anything we're talking about you now will change it. there is a very simple fix. not without political risk. you raise the age by two years. that is the debate going on now in france and italy. from 65 to 67. because people are clearly working longer and living much longer than when these programs were created. >> the reasons we're seeing the clock speed up, even by three years, the babyboomers retiring, the weak economy and politicians not having the stomach for it because places like, for example, florida. when you start talking about social security, medicare, you're going to step on a lot of toes. >> classic third rail, it's an election year. the assumption changing is that
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wages have not been increasing relative to historical patterns and that's probably not going to get any better any time soon. there is no indication that wage growth is on the horizon. that will put increasing pressure. obviously social security comes out of people's paychecks. when the report shows that social security will run out faster than anticipated, this being adjusted by a year, what are people supposed to think? since you're markingett down this way. >> there is no way unless the population of the united states increases really suddenly in the next ten years, or unless wages take off. that you're not going to run into problems. these programs cannot be funded in a pay as you go way with the demographic and wage realities we have now. i'm saying, look. i despair of this a little as an american. given our political climate and class is not urgent enough. if you said we're going to run out of money in 2019, i imagine people would do something about it. >> you believe while we're talking about social insecurity,
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the eyes should be turning on medicare. >> that's a much more, the costs are escalating much more rapidly. >> but not according to this report. it says here, the report shows medicare provides 50 million people. that's expected to go broke in 2024. that hasn't changed since the last report where the social security has changed. >> again, the problem here is the government does all things being equal. what are health care costs and how much will they adjust purely for inflation. this whole turmoil over obama care. say that neutrally. the calls are escalating much more quickly than anticipated. i'm sure next year or the year after, that medicare number will be much closer to 2020, 2019. >> zachary karabell, you feel we are not paying attention to it. >> we're following developing news. north korea has reportedly almost finished preparations for a nuclear test.
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a third one, by the way. plus, ann romney makes her first campaign speech after the dust-up over the stay at home or mommy wars. it's one of the things we thought you should know. >> i know what it's like to get up in the middle of the night when they're sick and i know what it is like to struggle. cleveland attorney andrew had an idea to boost small businesses. a call goes out on social media for consumers armed with $20 to descend on a local small business. the idea has caught on and cash mobs are being organized around the country. [ male announcer ] what can you do with plain white rice? when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks.
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fidelity investments. turn here. north korea has nearly finished preparations on a third nuclear test. according to a new report, we'll have a live report from the pentagon. the wife of nfl hall of famer deion sanders accused of attacking him in front their children. plus, ann romney speaks out about being a stay at home mom after the dust-up between her and a democratic strategist. we'll have more on it. >> she can't talk respectfully to me, she won't be able to talk to anybody else either. >> and a mom turns to facebook to punish her daughter. but look at that. is that going too far? we'll give you the details. we begin with walmart stock taking another hit today. the retail giant facing a justice department investigation after allegations that it paid
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millions in bribes to help expand its business in mexico. wall smart shares are down another 2% today after falling almost 5% yesterday. i'm joined now by cnbc. tell me about what's going on today with a combined hit two days in a row. >> we've gotten some updated news. walmart issuing an updated response to that recent new york time article that alleges they paid bribes to officials. they are saying they have created a new global foreign corrupt practices act, compliance officer. that mean someone that will be in charge of what walmart has basically committed crimes against that act. walmart said it will not tolerate compliance anywhere and will take appropriate actions if violations occurred. like you said, investors aren't really settled by this news. the shares taking another hit
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today. and walmart is a component of the dow jones industrial average. so while the dow jones industrial average is higher, walmart certainly weighing on what's going on there and tempering some of the gains that we could be seeing. >> and i understand there's developing news involving facebook. >> exactly. one of our reporters here says the facebook ipo, the initial public offering, could be delayed due to some recent deals. so we had previously reported that facebook could become public in may. it looks like because of some business distractions, some deal making, some last-minute things to get that house in order before it becomes public, that facebook may not be available for trade until about june. it does have to go on a road show ahead of investors. that would be delayed which will delay that ipo. so we had previously looked at may. perhaps it could be june. the company itself is not commenting on this. this is the reporting so far. >> thank you.
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developing news, north korea has almost completed preparations for a third nuclear test. this comes less than two weeks after the nation's now disastrous attempt to launch a long-range missile. nbc news chief correspondent jim miklaszewski joins us live from the pentagon. we watched that long range missile disaster. it was embarrassing for north korea. people feared, other countries feared what would happen next. >> and it appears that it will be a nuclear test. south korean officials are saying that the north koreans have all but finished their preparations, if not finished preparations for the underground test blast of another nuclear device. and u.s. officials say the chance that north korea will carry out such a test is at about 100%. u.s. officials cannot pinpoint a specific date. some are saying it could happen as early as tomorrow. but most likely, within the next two weeks. it follows by about ten days or
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so, the failed test, the fourth failed test of a long range ballistic missile by the north korean. this is disconcerting for a number reasons, not the least of which that north korea is making progress on its nuclear weapons program. but there had been some hope that with the death of kim jong-il and the succession of his son in december that there was a sliver of hope here in the united states. that north koreans may reach out. this may be an opportunity. president obama in fact offered the north koreans billions in food aid if they would cooperate with the international community on ending their arms proliferation. kim jong un has clearly spoken that they don't intend to do that in the near future. but there is still some questions as to why kim jong un is flexing all this military
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muscle. is it just to prove his chops to the government or is he positioning himself for some kind of bargaining chip? all that will play out in the near future, we think. but u.s. officials are almost convinced, almost certain that there will be a nuclear test within the coming weeks. >> this would be the third and two others happened in 2006 and 2009. thank you for the live report. to the john edwards corruption trial. prosecution's star witness, former aide andrew young took the stand again today. during testimony, he went into specific detail into how the money was funneled to hide edwards' pregnant mistress during the 2008 presidential race. lye from greenboro, north carolina, as i understand it, jay, young testified how his wife was quote, scared to death over the plan to funnel this money from donors away from the campaign. what else did he claim? >> reporter: absolutely. he really laid out in detail exactly how they tried to get
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this money from wealthy donors through and outside the campaign to his personal account using his wife's maiden name. endorsed checks stlu an interior decorator that were passed to his wife. he said they were very scared that he felt like it was wrong but that he had talked to edwards. that edwards had told him, and again, these were. >> reporter: young's words, that edwards told him he had talked to several campaign finance experts who told him it was all completely legal. that's a quote. he also said that they began to use the money in may of 2007 to pay a monthly allowance to his pregnant mistress at the time. and that all of the money, a majority of the money came from two very wealthy donors. they went on to talk a bit about that process and the testimony is continuing right now. >> what kind of pushback is young getting in that courtroom? as you know, many people have loongd at his story with suspicion. questioned his gain in all of
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this as well. >> there's no question. he's written a book. it came out this week that he had contacted three witnesses and asked hem how the they were going to respond in court which is obviously a big no-no there. one thing he did say that may benefit edwards' defense in all of this is the fact that he said, edwards said it was completely legal. that edwards thought it was completely legal. a lot of an lists who have been watching the testimony say that they think that's good news for the edwards' defense, setting up the idea that he did in fact believe what he was doing was legal. that he was just getting gifts from friends. >> back to the issue of him contacting three of the other witnesses, does this just die there? what's next with that? >> well, the judge admonished him for that. it does go on now. if it become an issue as the trial goes on, it will come up again. he said, look. you know this is not supposed to happen. he admonished young for that and they're trying to move forward. >> all right. thank you.
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jay gray live for us on this big trial involving john edwards. coming up, from eric cantor to marco rubio and even the president. lawmakers are embracing their love of hip hop. i'll talk with toure about what is behind this hip hop strategy. what is to be gained? first, there is a lot going on. here are some things we thought you should know. the mayor of a small town in utah could wind up being the first black republican woman in congress. mia love won the nomination for the fourth congressional district. if she defeats her opponent in november, she is on her way to washington. and ann romney delivered her first campaign speech. the columnist claimed she had never worked a day in her life and ann romney responded to the remarks. >> i take care of the house, the children and the wills and those people who think i didn't work, those were things i was very busy doing.
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[ sighs ] forget it. [ male announcer ] there's more barbeque time in every bag of kingsford charcoal. kingsford. slow down and grill.
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student body left or stoob body right? the president takes the fight to america's campuses as mitt romney tries to prove he is the one who will have a job waiting come graduation day. plus, boys should be boys in the secret service and oh, yes, five primaries. police have arrested the wife of deion sanders on domestic charges. pilar sanders says accused of breaking into her husband's room and attacking him. she is accused of kicking, biting and scratching him. sanlders even tweeted a photograph along with his children. he says they were filling out police reports. he also tweeted, pray for me and my kids now. they just witnessed their mother and a friend jump me in my room. well, for the love of hip hop, should it stop?
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several politicians have turned heads when it comes to the music they claim they have on their play list. listen to senator marco rubio and congressman eric canner name some of their favorites. >> you know, i am a hip hop fan from especially the '90s hip hop. one. the things i discovered is i am a fab of nicky menage. she also sings in her album. we have a local artist named pit bull as well. know it sounds like an interesting name. he is actually very talented. >> the music on there. red hot chili peppers, i believe. >> you have a little jay-z and young gz and whiz chief a and the rest on there. >> and president obama who made an infamous reference to jay-z when he brushed the shoulder during 2008 campaign. toure shaking his head.
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the love of hip hop keeps on rolling in an article just recently in rolling stone last year. the president said, quote, jay-z used to be sort of what predominated my ipod. now i have a little nas and a lil wab. help us understand what's going on. >> i was shaking my head about the infamous. i thought that was not infamous. i thought that was a positive moment that located him as a man of the people. >> i get. that infamous is seen as negative where famous is positive. what is the hip hop strategy? >> it used to be the boogie man that politicians could wave their finger at. this thing you could attack. now it is this thing where, it makes me look cool. alpha, man of the people, the way rock 'n' roll was for the previous generation. when the president says, hey, i'm a jay-z guy, a lil wayne
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guy, a nas guy. make him seem cool. he also listens to yo-yo ma. i love how the president is letting us know what he thinks about kanye. he likes the music. he keeps calling him the other word we cannot say on television. >> he did not back down. that he thinks he is an a-hole or whatever. the controversy that can come with embracing the music, we saw a lot of people on the right try to go after the president when common we to the white house to perform. they started bringing up lyric from other songs. even tried to payment one of the most socially conscious rappers alive. >> one of the nicest guys in hip hop. this is sort of the silly season with republicans where just anything that a democrat will say, they'll find some reason. next they'll say common once ate dog meat as a child. that's just silly. let's talk about cantor and rubio if we might. >> that's why we showed them.
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>> i don't believe for a second that eric cantor is really digging wiz khalifa and the snowman young gz who is all about cocaine wrap. >> that's not the only thing, i'm not going on defend him. >> i have it to my play list. >> do you think it is love songs? this is the snow man. rubio says he likes menage. i liked the way he was embarrassed admitting it. it made me think i think real. she makes pop music. >> i did not, he refers to pit bull as a local artist. >> he is not local anymore. he is a global star but he is from miami. >> we're all from somewhere. >> not really hip hop. but glad that he supports pit
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bull. that sounds fine, whatever. >> to the core of the question, does the hip hop strategy working the case of a marco rubio, how does that help them attempt to look cool or does it back fire? >> i think that it does make rubio look a little bit cooler. a little man of the people. he does listen to the people that the people listen to. it seem to fit what he is talking about and it seemed to me a bit of honesty in what he was saying there. cantor, i think it might back fire. it doesn't make sense to me. >> you're judging him based on what? what make you feel that he can't listen to whiz khalifa? it's not as if he is super hard core. >> there is no cant in it. does it feel honest? does it feel like he really listens to those people? or is he saying something. are you really a fan? i believe when the president says he is really a jay-z fan, i believe that. lil wayne? i believe that. i don't believe eric cantor.
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a creative punishment. an ohio mom was fed one her 13-year-old daughter mouthing off so she turned to facebook and created a photo of her daughter with the words, never forget near her. reporter eric mansfield of affiliate kyc has the story. >> if i saw anything like that on facebook again, she would lose it for a month she accepts that raising a 13-year-old daughter is a challenge if she can't talk respectfully to me, she won't be able to talk to anybody else either. >> she said when her daughter got out of line, mouthing off, too much drama on facebook. she didn't just bar her from facebook. she used facebook to make a point. >> when you put everything on facebook, you have to realize
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that there is a consequence for your actions. ? her profile pick and her daughter's too, now reads, i do not know how to keep my mouth shut. the x finishes that sentence. followed by, i am no longer allowed on facebook or my phone. please ask why. i have to answer everyone that asks. >> i decided to do something that i knew would totally impact her. the next time she started with, she would think, i don't want my face all over facebook again with a red x over my mouth. >> denise accepts her methods might draw criticism. >> my 45. >> much like a father in north carolina did when he offered to shoot his daughter's laptop when he felt she was immature on facing into. as for ava, she said to facebook, i was mean to my mom and spoke disrespectful to her in front of my friends. it made me realize i didn't want my picture on facing into. my friends were asking me what happened and what i did. denise said she'll accept criticism for her creative discipline as long as her
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daughter learns a valuable lesson. >> you have to adapt your parenting skills with the times. >> well, do you buy that? you have to adapt with the times? did this mom go too far with her facebook? punishment? to go market bashir is up next.
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good afternoon. it's april the 24th. >> school days. we only finish paying off our student loans. check this out. i'm the president of the united states. >> i think young voters in this country have to vote for me. >> the president and mitt romney battle it out for the college crowd. >> can i get an amen? >> are you listening?


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